BEACHPEOPLE: "i’ll be gone for a little while" - 12" EP
BEACHPEOPLE: "i’ll be gone for a little while" - 12" EP
"i’ll be gone for a little while" als 12″ heavy weight vinyl (approx. 180 g), colourless marbled with light blue and blue
writing stuff about your own project is weird, but let me say this: for a long time I've been writing songs that mean a lot to me. for the first time now they have reached a level where I feel like sharing them. i've had a lot of support from friends, other artists, family, who have helped me creatively, emotionally and in so many other ways. because the persons involved keep changing all the time, I wanted to have one constant name, in which all of them always feel welcomed and appreciated: BEACHPEOPLE. if you find something in our art that helps or moves you in some way, it would be more than we could be asking for.
A01 as long as i'm here
A02 tonight
A03 //
A04 one second less to live
A05 fugazi
B01 one second less to live (acoustic version)